New: Kitkat Original Terra Cotta

banner nieuwsbericht nieuwe Terra Cotta Kitkat

Following the 5 new Kitkat Original colours from earlier this year, we are launching yet another new colour. The Kitkat Original collection expands with the new Kitkat Original Terra Cotta!

This year’s colour trends are inspired by natural elements, soft hues and earthy tones. The new Kitkat Original Terra Cotta fits in seamlessly into these trends, especially within the earthy tones. The demand for natural tones kept recurring and this is our answer.

The Terra Cotta Kitkat has that beautiful distinct baked clay colour loved by many. The mosaic tiles are finished with a high quality matt glazed layer. Perfect to add a natural colour to your design without it becoming too flashy. Different angles of light incidence can create a stunning, subtle and shadowy effect on the mosaic tile.

The new Kitkat Original Terra Cotta is made from the same high-grade porcelain that is used for all our Kitkat Original tiles.

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The Mosaic Factory

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