New colours for the Sevilla KitKat!

New colours have been added to the Sevilla collection! All are quite neutral and have a white base colour, complemented with a tinted edge, dark speckle, or both. We’ve introduced Vintage White and Stracciatella to the original kitkat series and Soft White to the minis. All these mosaics are suitable as wall tile, on both flat and curved surfaces.
Vintage White (SEF20120)
The Vintage White is part of the original kitkat series. These mosaics therefore have a size of 20x145x8 millimetres and a joint of 3,5 millimetres. They are packed per 10 sheets, which equals 0,89 square feet per box. The SEF20120 has a warm white tone, a slightly darker edge, and a speckle inside. These mosaics therefore assure a striking colour effect when applied on walls. The SEF20120 has a glossy finish.
Stracciatella (SEF20195)
The Stracciatella is also part of the original kitkat series. These mosaics therefore have the same size as the Vintage White mosaics and are packed per 10 sheets as well. Unlike the Vintage White, the Stracciatella has a matt finish. Its colour is also purer white and therefore less warm than the Vintage White. The SEF20195 has a dark speckle inside as well.
Soft White (SEF12115)
The Soft White is the latest addition to the kitkat minis. These mosaics have a size of 12x92x8 millimetres and a joint of 2,5 millimetres. They are packed per 10 sheets, which equals 0,87 square feet per box. The SEF12115 has a slightly warm undertone and is less bright than the other white minis. The Soft White has a coloured edge and a glossy finish.
Got enthusiastic about these new kitkat mosaics? Ask us for free samples! Send your request to info@themosaicfactory.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible.