Mosaic tiles pattern buffet restaurant

Bespoke hexagon tiles pattern made for a buffet restaurant.
Interior architect Erik Remmers of Art 2 Go Interieur projecten has devised a beautiful pattern of black and white unglazed hexagon mosaic tiles for buffet restaurant Lucky Apple in Waalwijk.
Together with Erik we discussed how the drawing of this pattern could best be supplied to achieve a good result.

The pattern was supplied according to the drawing on sheets of 12×12 hexagon mosaictiles with a laying plan in order to actually realize the intended plan.
- Project: Lucky Apple, Waalwijk the Netherlands
- Designer: Art 2 Go Interieur projecten
- Item: TMF® unglazed hexagon mosaic in 23x26x5mm
- Itemcodes: LOH2010 White + LOH2017 Black
On the photo’s you can see the beautiful result!
Photo’s by: sharmanmedia.nl