Proud supplier of Social Sofa

Sustainable solutions

We consider it important as a company to do business in a socially responsible manner. For example, we are constantly implementing sustainable improvements with regard to waste reduction, we choose our partners for their social involvement and we look for recycled materials in the development of our range.

With our TMF® mosaictiles we not only want to make your project, but also the world a little more beautiful!

So we are very proud that, since this year, we have been supplier of the mosaic used on the Social Sofa’s.

For those who are not familiar with this concept, this is their ideology:

Those who know their neighbors feel safer, are less lonely and are happier. It’s as simple as that. The quality of life in a neighborhood is largely determined by the layout and maintenance of the district, and by the sense of community among its residents.

The disappearance of neighborhood shops, bars, squares and benches in the last 50 years means that there are fewer meeting places today. You may still find some benches in the city center, but they are few and far between in residential districts. In the last few decades, many municipalities have taken away park benches because of public disturbances. We think that there should be at least 10 benches in every neighborhood. 

Decorate a sofa together, make friends for life

In fact, we, at Social Sofa, believe that there should be a bench on every street. In our crusade against social isolation, we have designed the Social Sofa, a concrete living room style outdoor bench. Decorate a sofa together and make friends for life.

This ideology, together with the fact that Social Sofa works with a group of people who are at a distance from the labor market, makes us very happy about this cooperation!

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The Mosaic Factory

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