The Mosaic Factory ist FD Gazelle 2024

Nominatie en awards FD Gazellen 2024 The Mosaic Factory team

We are proud that The Mosaic Factory is FD Gazelle 2024! It thrills us to share that we received a nomination for the FD Gazellen awards recognizing the fastest-growing companies in the Netherlands each year. While we did not take home the top prize, we are still incredibly proud to be among the 927 fastest-growing companies in the country. A true testament to our growth and dedication.

The award event took place on 21 november in Tivoli, Utrecht. After a lunch and workshop, attending the award event and receiving a trophy for our nomination was a special moment for the company and our team. This recognition reflects the hard work of our dedicated team, the trust of our customers and the strong partnerships we have built over the years.

We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported us on this journey. Together, we are building something beautiful, and this recognition inspires us to continue growing, innovating, and offer our best services possible for our clients worldwide. The Mosaic Factory is FD Gazelle 2024 because of you all.

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The Mosaic Factory

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