Press release: The Mosaic Factory renews

The Mosaic Factory renews

For the first time in over 20 years of The Mosaic Factory (TMF), participates at a Dutch trade event. On June 1, 2 and 3, we present ourselves on Design District in Zaandam, booth S01. With the mosaic brand UCI and the collections Amsterdam, London, Barcelona and Venice is TMF for many in the European project market certainly no stranger.

Yet a new acquaintance is needed with The Mosaic Factory, as there has changed a lot the last period. To begin with, TMF has a new owner since September 2015: Bastiaan Beun. Bastiaan was for the last 10 years responsible for the business unit retail and online at wholesaler Plieger in Zaltbommel. With the experience gained here he accomplished some big steps of renewal at TMF. “This renewal was necessary and visible in the range, the new highly organized website, an up-to-date logo and another vision of market approach”, says the new General Director of TMF.

What we offer is unique”

With high quality collections and large stock TMF occupies a unique position in the European market. “We offer something unique, but had forgotten to emphasize this enough in the market,” says Bastiaan Beun. “When it comes to glass or ceramic mosaic we are able to really relieve our customers with a flexible attitude, good prices, deliveries from stock and clear communication”, he continues.

During Design District TMF is showing the innovations in the collections and will talk with visitors about the possibilities TMF has.

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The Mosaic Factory

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